Sunday, June 05, 2011

Intentions vs Impact

I just noticed my last post was last summer...and here is summer again :)

Anyway, I attended a management training three days of last week (yeah, it was a 1-day week for me along with the memorial day holiday :)...atleast kind of). It was a good refreshing 3 days of varied perspectives. Honestly, this was probably one of the few trainings that I stayed awake throughout.
Apart from all the "knowledge" that was imparted during the training, there was one phrase which just got stuck in my mind. I spent some of my Sunday time thinking over it and it explains so well some things that I couldn't explain.

" We judge ourselves by our intentions, Others judge us by our impact"

Sounds true, doesn't it?


SID said...

Thats so much correct Janani :) Sometimes our impact is much felt than we wud have thought or ever intended!

Srivats said...

Completely Agree!

Sharoon said...

So true Janani!! This also applies on how we get assessed at work :)

Rush said...

Absolutely true! :) Thanks for sharing!

Manoj - Outsource Survey Processing said...

Hi, nice post here, one of my favorite songs. Came across your site through rajesh's blog.

bhashkar_Quantity-Takeoff said...

Thats so much correct Janacek... Sometimes our impact is much felt than we wud have thought or ever intended...........Thanks

sketchup4architect said...

fantastic blog. great content. thank you..

Posting your Loads said...

Very nice posting. I will also bookmark to your blog site.